
Lessons in Counterculture

The 40th anniversary of the civil rights "March on Washington" brings to mind a book I need to read again: The Crisis of the Negro Intellectual.

My interest in the civil rights movement and black radicalism was first piqued during my years at an afrocentric highschool. Later, this interest was encouraged by professor Stephen Kaufmann [CV pdf], who draws inspiration from the black struggle and powerfully relates it to our struggle as marginalized neocalvinists.

I want to advance a sort of calvinistic "negritude," a calvitude, if you will. This calvitude is an "awareness" in the midst of suffering which rejects assimilation, synthesis, and the corrupting influence of the sub-biblical; maintaining and cultivating our biblical peoplehood, understanding, and action.


Renew Urbanism

I'm a city-lover. Recently, I've noticed various conversations about New Urbanism.

When I think about "traditional neighborhoods," I can't help seeing all the gorgeous run-down buildings and streets throughout Baltimore. In my mind's eye, I see these places fixed up through Christian community and economic development --like Sandtown.

After being away last year, I don't think I got my fix of Charm City this summer. Maybe I'm a little homesick.


A Few Heroes

It looks like Roy Moore is getting royally borked. He's absolutely right about constitutional law and federal tyranny, and his principled stand is an inspiration.

My thoughts are often drawn to them, but today was a particular day for reflecting on heroes: Abraham Kuyper and J. Gresham Machen, among others.
Activist Ice Cream

Political Science professor, David Koyzis, mentions his health-motivated resolve to avoid ice cream. But ('though summer is nearly over) we all might put our consciences at ease if we could justify splurging for a good cause. I used to live a block away from Sylvan Beach Café, the best ice cream parlor in Baltimore.


Continental Drift

I'm looking into the program at Villanova. They specialize in the "continental" tradition that I am most interested in. Here is a brief statement on the two major "styles" or methods of philosophy by Jamie Smith, a Dooyeweerdian graduate of Villanova's Ph.D. program.

"Continental" and "analytic" philosophy are distinguished by "a certain “method” of doing philosophy which is undergirded by certain prephilosophical commitments regarding human nature, ontology, etc. In fact, we might say that what distinguishes continental from analytic philosophy is precisely the fact that the former recognizes the formative power of prephilosophical commitments and the contextuality of philosophizing, whereas analytic philosophy (largely) proceeds on an assumption regarding the ahistoricity of propositions."


Coffee or Activism

In my job hunt I've applied to a coffee shop, and it looks like they will be offering me a (part-time?) position. However, I've also put in an application through the Leadership Institute's employment placement service. The L.I. also recommended that I consult the Heritage Foundation's job bank.

Despite the "tough job market" there seem to be many opportunities for social and political activists in D.C., especially if you're willing to "intern" for pennies.

Speaking of activism, I finally saw Children of the Revolution. I definitely recommend it.


Upperclass Pretensions

The air was scented with expensive perfume and... citronella. Last night I attended an Army vs. Navy polo match. (I didn't know the U.S. armed forces had polo teams.) The outing was sponsored by my friend's company, which meant free food and drink! So, I ate lots of shrimp and drank Shiraz (a favorite). After an Army victory (alas, I rooted for Navy) the USO girls performed an obviously well-rehersed medley.

Tonight we are cooking out on the grill. I made the tastiest coleslaw ever.


Gainful Employment

I have just moved down to northern Virginia, temporarily perhaps. I am living with some good friends, searching for work. Can't say how long I'll be down here. But beside whatever job opportunities the Lord may provide, over the next several months I'll be looking in to graduate schools and applying (DV) to Masters programs in philosophy.

ps. my archives have disappeared on my old blog, so I just posted all the entries at once. If you wanted to catch up on what I was doing last year... enjoy.



Assuming that my comment system is now operational... please feel free to comment on my posts.
Beyond Legality

Marriage has civil and ecclessial dimensions. States can recognize it, and churches can sanction it, but a marriage is not founded upon either. The Creator instituted marriage in Eden, and a marriage is properly enacted in the mutual commitment between a man and a woman.

However --legal or not--, as with divorce and extra-marital sex, homosexuality is not only destructive to society it is also destructive to individual persons.

I recently attended a presentation by the Baltimore- D.C. area Regeneration Ministries. They are a member of Exodus International, a worldwide network of services to people overcoming homosexuality. I recommend them to anyone with sexually related struggles, and to those who want to learn more about homosexuality and how to help homosexuals.

I also recommend this informative book by Orthodox Presbyterian pastor Charles McIlhenny.


Perfectly Righteous

Although He had no house of His own, He never coveted the house of anyone, but He was jealous for His Father’s house. He had no wife, but He never coveted any man’s. He had no servant and He Himself came to serve, and He did not covet other people’s servants. He had no ox or donkey, having to borrow a colt to ride to His own death. He had no earthly possessions to speak of, and He was content to give up all He had in glory. Always rejoicing at the good of others, and fully satisfied with His lowly condition, He was envious for nothing but the Father’s will.

Jesus Christ obeyed God’s law on behalf of His people to the smallest detail, even in the slightest inclinations of His desire. “For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes” (Romans 10:4).


Radio Days

I began listening to the radio on a regular basis when I was about nine years old. I soon became enamored with a number of classic radio programs. (Conscientious parents should note: these are a mind-stimulating alternative to TV and videos.) I also discovered the joys of Saturday public radio. If you've never heard "Whad'ya Know?," give it a try. The host, Michael Feldman, has a witty Dick Cavett, Bob Newhart sort of style. And there is excellent, original jazz on the program by John Thulin, Jeff Hamann, and Clyde Stubblefield.


Old School

Without a comment system of my own yet, I managed to arouse a few objections to my view of the 2nd commandment. I invite debate on that or any of my views expressed here, and if/when I get a comment system you all can tell me what a dolt I am ad infinitum. But, look... I'm a hard-core, old school calvinist, OK? Let it be known. If you want to read the confessional summary of scriptural teaching on the commandment in question, check out the WLC (scroll down to #s 107-110), and the Heidelberg (scroll down to "Lord'sDay 35" #s 96-98).


Signs of the Time

"...and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years" (Genesis 1:14).

One of the most timeless elements of human culture is calendar building. I humbly and gladly subscribe to the era designation of "A.D." (although various estimations of our Lord's Incarnation suggest that our current dating is miscalculated by between 4 to 7 years. Furthermore, my Christology would suggest the Resurrection as the "turning-point"). Nonetheless, this does not render useless other measurements...

Although "fictional," I particularly enjoy discussion about the StarTrek system of stardates.


A Big Party

There are approximately fifty political parties in these united states. You know the big two. But guess who is number three (according to voter-registered affiliation)...

The Constitution Party is the largest third party in the U.S.! (that's more voters than the Libertarian Party, more than the Reform Party, more than the Green Party) ...so we claim anyway. I couldn't find any official statistics. But I hope the CP national committee is correct about this because that would make us the "Wendy's" of political parties.
Old Time Religion

Today was a day for contemplating Antiochene hermeneutics. I can't help thinking that had it not been for the very early unbiblical development of episcopacy (in distinction to original presbytery), the councils would not have been able to argue for orthodoxy against heresy on the basis of an appeal to "tradition" and "office," and consequently would not have erroneously condemned sola scriptura and faithful interpretive method (ie. Antiochene). I can not understand those who balk at the thought that Christian theology and practice were significantly corrupted within a generation of the apostles.


Ireland and Scotland

My brother, Gary, plays (saxophone) on a new "house" album released worldwide last week. The group is Fusty, the label is Siesta Music, and the track is "Swing While The Band's Still Swinging." They are from Cork, Ireland.

For all you Shakespeare fans and film lovers, check out Scotland, PA... a MacBeth "remake" set in middle Pennsylvania in the mid-70s. I enjoyed it immensely.


Unite and Conquer

This weekend I am visiting friends in The Old Dominion. We were going to watch a polo match yesterday evening, but sadly it got rained out. Anyway, in the course of conversation the topic of the Free State Project arose.

I like the idea. If they ever accomplish their goal, and the region does not become a den of prostitution, pornography, drug use, casinos, etc... I might consider moving there.