
Top Worldwide Destination

Frommer's placed Charm City on its recent top 10 summer 2005 travel destinations.

(that's all. just wanted to brag.)


Intro To Transcendental Critique

Roy Clouser's The Myth of Religious Neutrality has recently appeared in a new revised edition by Notre Dame Press. This work is the best introduction to the foundation of Dooyeweerdianism available in the English language. I can't recommend it highly enough. See a comment on the first edition here.

Also, check out the Roy Clouser Pages. I particularly recommmend his article "Is God Eternal?".


Shameless Self-Promotion

If you haven't heard the news, I was recently accepted to a Masters program in philosophy at the Free University of Amsterdam. I am tremendously excited about it, but the funding is still up in the air. Please consider an endorsement from Gideon Strauss, and pass it on to other possibly interested parties.

[Gideon is director of education and research at the Christian Labour Association of Canada; a senior fellow of the Work Research Foundation, and editor of Comment]


The Political Crux
or, secularist thought police in the public square

In his recent NYTimes BookReview back page essay Mark Lilla suggests that the ubiquitous preoccupation with public Christianity since W.'s re-election is "a media bubble, and like all bubbles it will burst." I don't doubt he is correct. But that certainly doesn't mean public Christianity is going away.

If (as I suspect) Lilla's views are fairly representative of secular academic would-be interlocutors with public Christianity in this country, the road ahead looks tedious. One hopes that Lilla's forthcoming book may provide a more enlightened analysis than his essay. There are so many things problematic with his understanding here. I might even call it propagandist schlock if I had the time to detail his confusion. But his main beef with public Christianity is, of course, that it doesn't play by his own ideological rules.

To Lilla's thinking, as to all secular fundamentalists', genuine pluralism is impermissible. Unless religionists drop their undemocratic fascination with the supernatural and adopt a modernistic theology, they are not welcome at the table. Lilla's hypocritical dogma is clear: when entering the public square, leave your faith at the door, or else you are neither sober or rational.

It's hard to say how long this sort of philosophical naivete will persist. But one thing is certain: a genuine civil society cannot be attained without cultivating intellectually critical habits of mind among so-called liberals. This was as true for Abraham Kuyper and J. Gresham Machen in their respective times as it is for us today.


NPR Takes Note... sorta'

In a recent series, NPR has been trying to get a handle on "Public Christianity." Of course they don't get it. As secular fundamentalists they have a core (religious) commitment to the myth of religious neutrality in public life.

I found the piece on Christian legal organizations interesting. The paranoia was palpable. They mentioned Mat Staver and the Liberty Counsel, Alan Sears and the Alliance Defence Fund, & Jay Sekulow and the American Center for Law and Justice, but they failed to mention "the daddy" of Christian legal groups (and my favorite): John Whitehead and The Rutherford Institute. Neither did they mention the Christian Legal Society or the Christian Law Association. Happily, there are several more such groups out there.