It was mostly below freezing, I had a cold the entire time, and I was only able to hang out and talk with "Br.Anthony" for about an hour a day. But it was great to see him in person and get a firsthand sense of his environment and routine. Here's a decent photo of him; he's sitting far left, face down towards book (as always).
I've now added the Epiphany season tune for Te Lucis Ante Terminum to a list of favorites.
If you haven't checked out my & K's foodblog, give it a look. We really enjoy documenting the cooking experience this way. For our recent entry I meant to have a photo of my taking a bite, but forgot, because the donuts tasted so good. We will probably include restaurant reviews at some point.
As of this past November, Owen and Lilly have a new baby brother, Daniel; and I'm an uncle a third time over. Love and thanks go out to my sister and bro-in-law for all their labor.
Some time ago, I posted Herman Dooyeweerd's online in-English bibliography. If you fancy yourself Reformed and academic, and you haven't read any Dooyeweerd, you must. I recommend beginning with The Secularization of Science. His most accessible, book-length work is Roots of Western Culture. In my bib, you'll find a link for the entire original publication of that book in PDF.
Four 2009 articles by Roy Clouser are also online. [ See, too, Glenn Friesen's response to Clouser's essay on Dooyeweerd's transcendental critique ]. And, finally, a book of Robert Knudsen's * writings has been published. Now, if only WTS would put his lectures online/iTunesU!
I was glad to see Robert Godfrey's pro-Kuyper/ian presentations in sessions 1 and 6 at Westminster Seminary California's conference Christ, Kingdom, and Culture.
Recently watched the UK independent sci-fi film Moon, and liked it quite a lot. Hoping that Solomon Kane comes to the US. I had fun discussing the weaponry with Aaron Larsen.
Happy St. Patrick's Day to you all, especially to brother Gary and Irish friends here and there.