
Sine Qua Non

The biblical teaching of Sola Scriptura is perhaps the most central pillar of the Christian religion to be rejected and/or misunderstood (after the proper worship of God and the gospel) by "professing-Christians." There also appears to be a tragic lack of informed appreciation of this teaching in various reformed communities. Indeed we have been like Esau, selling our birthright for a bit of bloody stew. Let's consider our way and seek repentance while we may.

Here are several resources one might find helpful in understanding Sola Scriptura: several articles and books are linked here. Also consider the Cambridge Declaration, and additional articles by Warren, Bennett, and Webster. For more academic readers, Kline's "Structure of Biblical Authority," and Ridderbos' "Redemptive History and The New Testament Scriptures" are especially helpful in connecting canonics and hermeneutics.

Certainly broad cultural renewal will only come with a deepened comprehension of this teaching, for only by Holy Scripture does the Spirit bring genuine reformation in the spectrum of cultural affairs. Needless to say, there is a tremendous disdain of this foundational teaching in the "new ecumenicism."

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