

Gary North once wrote: "Every revolution needs slogans. Here is mine: politics fourth" (sidebar p.575). One point here, among others, is that Jesus being Lord of every part of life does not mean there are political fix-alls or shortcuts in the Christian cultural task. And yet we certainly have work to do in the political sphere.

Some of that work involves legal scholarship. I was encouraged to read Andree Seu's article recommending that Christians work to wrest jurisprudence from its secular captivity and bring it to its biblical roots. Holding up Kuyper as an example, Seu suggests that it might be time to establish a Christian School of Law in the U.S. that will labor to go beyond "generically conservative analyses to engage in a distinctively, self-consciously, rigorously biblical undertaking."

Similarly, Bruce Green (Dean of Liberty University's School of Law) writes about progress in founding a new Christian law school and mentions reading Dooyeweerd (via Strauss via Reeves). Certainly, if any would take up Seu's challenge to "revive Kuyper's proposal," they ought to avail themselves of the tremendous head-start provided in Dooyeweerd's writings.

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